a still from All That You Can't Leave Behind (Ufuoma Essi, 2019) from our program BLK Docs: Instant Ancestry (2020)
Since 2015, The Luminal Theater has brought fresh, classic, mind-bending, and thought-provoking independent films to Black audiences, neighborhoods, and beyond, under our mission of taking independent Black cinema directly to Black communities.
Our high-quality programming, most often offered for free, is however is not cheap to execute.
We need your help to continue to bring innovative film activities to entertain and empower Black communities. We know you believe in offering alternative activities to your family, friends and neighbors, so support the Luminal TODAY!
…and NOW, on the 6th of every month, you can target your contributions to The Luminal Theater. Click here or the link below.
You can contribute to us at any time via our Kindful charity page -
Your contributions will help bring to audiences:
stellar Black independent films from local, national, and international filmmakers
film centered activities for youth and elders
a fresh way to connect film & arts communities to their neighbors
keep Black art alive in a rapidly changing media landscape
Your contribution can be one-time only OR recurring!
support the LUMINAL today!
The Luminal Theater is a is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.