OPINION: From the Cut-Man in Kangalee’s Corner - a Reaction to NY Times Article and the Insipid Exhibition It Mentioned

Too often for Black performers the real elephant in the room is one's relationship to the camera. Until the mainstream critics like Scott and Hoberman and Dargis at the NY Times cease using their self-satisfied knowledge about historical racism in Hollywood, how “difficult” things are for Blacks, etc – we must consistently inject our point-of-view into the ether. We are not invisible. Our perceptions are just constantly marginalized.

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A BROTHER'S WHISPER: director Jacinto Taras Riddick’s Cinematic Jab

Jacinto Taras Riddick and Che Ayende have partnered to give us not only the best collaboration in cinema of the past year, but a shocking example of the concussive force of writing, directing and performing for the screen that I have been waiting to see for a long time. I went into the screening a lapsed filmmaker, and emerged with my faith restored.

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IVAN DIXON: Hollywood’s Lonely Radical pt. 1: The Actor

The actor, by nature, is the most political of all artists because he is literally using his body as an instrument to engage in our accepted or disregarded mores, injustices, dreams, longings, etc. The actor marries double consciousness seamlessly – the past and the present - in order to leave the audience with a potential future…he is a shaman, and we rely on him to heal the tribe or at least tell us what ails us. THIS is Ivan Dixon.

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